
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spiridigliozzi & Dale, Kansas Child Custody Evaluators -- Legal Child Trafficking $*ker-ching*$

Spiridigliozzi & Dale, LLC $*ker-ching*$

Really we should set up another Blog for Spiridigliozzi (we will soon—So many Court whores who profit from the blood of children)

See: Family Courts Helping Pedophiles and Batterers Get Custody, by Peter Jamison

One at a time *ker-ching* as the death counts rise—So do the Profit$ $$ in these type of ‘legal child trafficking rings’ pockets. This one is just another KANSAS CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATION PROFITEER.

We must Eliminate Therapeutic Jurisprudence from the court rooms. Courtesy



Dr. Dale is a founding member of Spiridigliozzi & Dale, LLC.  In addition to his clinical therapy practice with children, teenagers, and families, Bud specializes in evaluations spanning a broad range of civil and criminal cases.   He conducts child custody and parenting evaluations, clinical and competence to stand trial evaluations of juveniles and adults, and clinical and risk assessment evaluations of sex offenders. 

Bud provides expert witness testimony related to his forensic reports.  He also provides consultation to attorneys upon review of reports by other mental health experts, testimony based upon these reviews, and litigation preparation for attorneys conducting examination and cross-examination.                                                                                                     

Bud has been a licensed Ph.D. psychologist in Kansas for more than twenty years.             clip_image003

View Bud's Vita

He earned a B.A. in Psychology at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and a M.A.

and Ph.D. in Clinical Child and Developmental Psychology at The Ohio State University            

in Columbus, Ohio.  After a one-year Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Child Psychology at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, he completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology as a Child Fellow at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas.  During eight years at Menninger as a Staff Psychologist, he directed an inpatient unit for children, designed and directed the Adolescent Transitional Program, and designed and directed the Child & Adolescent Day Treatment Center.  Bud's clinical practice website is:

Bud is also a licensed attorney in Kansas.  He graduated from Washburn University School of Law with certificates in family law (with distinction) and advocacy.  He maintains a law practice with a family law emphasis in Topeka,  Kansas.   The website address for his law practice is:

Bud is also a Kansas Supreme Court-approved mediator, serves as a court-appointed domestic case manager, and is a co-leader of

Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program

Horizons, an award-winning, court-sponsored psycho educational program for children and parents in high conflict families. 

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